StepCore Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
AdaptiveEulerSolverAdaptive Euler solver
BodyInterface for bodies
ChargedParticleChargedParticle with mass and charge
ConstantsCommon physical constants
CoulombForceCoulomb electrostatic force
EulerSolverNon-adaptive Euler solver
FactoryList of MetaObject
ForceInterface for forces
GenericEulerSolverAdaptive and non-adaptive Euler solver with error estimation
GravitationForceNewton gravitational force
GslAdaptiveSolverAdaptive solvers from GSL library
GslGenericSolverAdaprive and non-adaptive solvers from GSL library
GslSolverNon-adaptive solvers from GSL library
ItemThe root class for any world items (bodies and forces)
MetaObjectMeta-information about class
MetaPropertyMeta-information about property
ObjectRoot of the StepCore classes hierarchy
PairForceHelper class for forces that act between two selected bodies
ParticleParticle with mass
PolygonRigid polygon
RigidBodyRigid body
SolverGeneric Solver interface
SpringMassless spring
VectorFixed-length vector
WeightForceWeight force (constant gravitational force)
WorldContains multiple Item, Solver and general properties such as time
XmlFileClass for saving and loading World as XML file

Generated on Thu Mar 15 14:23:37 2007 for StepCore by  doxygen 1.5.1