AdaptiveEulerSolver | Adaptive Euler solver |
Body | Interface for bodies |
ChargedParticle | ChargedParticle with mass and charge |
Constants | Common physical constants |
CoulombForce | Coulomb electrostatic force |
EulerSolver | Non-adaptive Euler solver |
Factory | List of MetaObject |
Force | Interface for forces |
GenericEulerSolver | Adaptive and non-adaptive Euler solver with error estimation |
GravitationForce | Newton gravitational force |
GslAdaptiveSolver | Adaptive solvers from GSL library |
GslGenericSolver | Adaprive and non-adaptive solvers from GSL library |
GslSolver | Non-adaptive solvers from GSL library |
Item | The root class for any world items (bodies and forces) |
MetaObject | Meta-information about class |
MetaProperty | Meta-information about property |
Object | Root of the StepCore classes hierarchy |
PairForce | Helper class for forces that act between two selected bodies |
Particle | Particle with mass |
Polygon | Rigid polygon |
RigidBody | Rigid body |
Solver | Generic Solver interface |
Spring | Massless spring |
Vector | Fixed-length vector |
WeightForce | Weight force (constant gravitational force) |
World | Contains multiple Item, Solver and general properties such as time |
XmlFile | Class for saving and loading World as XML file |